A little creativity can go a long way in school housing. And you might as well do something that makes them feel like they are home even when they are far away.
- Keep it simple - Boys are messy. The less clutter, the cleaner the room will look.
- Design it using colors that are refreshing and clean. Dark colors can make it hard to concentrate on studying.
- Give them some comforts of home. Use some of their favorite things from home:
- High school friends framed in wooden photo frames
- A favorite chair from his old room
- A small refrigerator filled with Mom's homemade snacks and goodies
- Create a "Man Cave" for him and he and his friends will love you! I.e., coke machine, sporting decor and the cool man factor! I love the photo below...Do you think the couch could act as the bed?
Kids are usually excited about heading off to college, but once they get there, the first night or two can seem a little lonely. Providing an atmosphere they love will help take away some of that anxiety. I love the soothing blue look below. Replace the prints on the wall in the first picture with some collegiate or sport prints and this is a great choice for a boy's room. I especially like the baskets under the bed. They make for great space savers in such small quarters. In the second photo, I would add some sports memorabilia to the walls above the beds and the desk.
Be sure not to make it too nice. You want them to come home for a visit every now and again!