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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Veranda Magazine Event

Attending designer events is not only fun, it's educational.  Being able to spend time visiting with designers as well as Veranda Magazine contributors made for a great day.  Design expert panelists shared their stories and ideas.  They also encouraged audience participation allowing us to gain additional insight into the design world.  One of the most important lessons I learned was that every designer goes through a "rebirth."  Age and years in the designer business isn't the most important asset of a designer.  It's their ability to adapt to an ever evolving environment and consistently change their design approach to meet the needs of their clients.

In the above photo, I had the opportunity to take a snapshot with Windsor Smith from Windsor Smith Home.  She's pictured in the brown dress right next to me!  Meeting Windsor was the highlight of my day.  She is not only talented, she is genuinely someone I can relate to - a true gem.

Veranda Magazine publisher Jennifer Levene Bruno and I posed for the camera in a picture framed by amazing fabrics. 

Panelists were happy to answer our inquiries.  I now have a new wealth of knowledge to take back to my clients!

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